NewAge/ARIIX Top Income Earner & Vision Award

I knew one day I would become an ARIIX top income earner.

2019 was an incredible year of growth for Claudia and I as we became one of the Top MLM earners in the network marketing business. Our teams have grown in french speaking markets primarily but expanded to many other countries in Europe. Canada also became our focus for personal recruiting activities.

We reached number 45 top earners in the world out of 200,000 partners.

We joined ARIIX in 2011. We were on the waiting list to be entered into the computer.

I remember one day Tim Sales called me and informed me he was coming back from retirement. This guy stopped building a downline 18 years prior. He consulted with over 200 MLM companies over the years and never once joined another company.

I knew this was serious business. For him to put on the line a residual income that had earned him millions of dollars, he could have just kept on collecting the money and continue the good life.

But good life also means, meaning. And this time, he saw an opportunity to build a company that was going to become a model for our industry.

I got excited by what he shared and knew I would probably never have an opportunity like this one. I seized it.

After I made the decision, I asked Tim about the products we would market and he said they are creating them. I asked about the compensation plan and he said Fred Cooper wrote it on a napkin. I asked for the website and he said there’s no website yet. I asked what I’m supposed to do and he said “Go and recruit people!” 


I asked him what am I supposed to tell them and he said “Tell them we are so new, we have nothing.”


And that’s how we got started!

I knew one day I would become an ARIIX top income earner.

Over the years I’ve seen leaders who had it better than me. People who were already accomplished. They joined, built to a certain point and then complained that we were missing this and that and then left.

I didn’t mind about what we were missing. I trusted and knew the management team would fix it at the appropriate time.

Also, when leaders left, it gave me a boost knowing I stayed the course. I’d be remembered one day as one of the early leaders. One of those that kept going when others left.

I think a true long term leader is someone who is not letting the short term stuff affect them. They are after the mission. And the mission has nothing to do with a box that is the wrong colour.

We just rolled up our sleeves and went to work.

I knew one day I would become an ARIIX top income earner.

Were there tough times? Of course.

Sometimes the big leader that leaves is on your team and you see your income decrease by 80%. Scary.

I remember a day when a prospect would ask me to meet him at the home office. I had to buy a plane ticket when our credit card was maxed out. I still flew there because there was a possibility this guy would join and if he did, it would change the game overnight. I flew there and when I arrived, he messaged me saying he would not be able to make it! WHAT? 😳

We kept going.

I knew one day I would become an ARIIX top income earner.

We have so many stories… one day someone on my team recruited a lady in South Korea. ARIIX actually opened South Korea because of her. But by the time the market officially opened, the person who brought the contact in South Korea had already gone to another company 🤦‍♂️

I took charge and flew to South Korea and help support the launch. I’ve been there a couple times each year.

When the owners and top executives scheduled a zoom for Claudia and I to jump on, I had no idea it was for the vision award.

At first, I have to say I didn’t realize the full meaning but as time passed I started to get the feel for what it means.

It has been an honour to be recognized by these people that we learned to call friends over the years. We’ve been through many things together. But we hung in there and kept going after the company we wanted to create.

Here’s what they say about the Vision Award:

“The Representative who receives this prestigious annual award is one of the finest examples of ARIIX transformation, inspiring those around them to join the movement. Selected by the Executive Team, this individual exhibits exceptional leadership and acts as an ambassador for ARIIX. He or she demonstrates true understanding of the ARIIX vision to Unleash the Human Potential for Good. Fundamental to the Vision Award is the Representative’s knowledge and ability to share our mission as THE Opportunity Company, offering not only an industry-first business model but also a Disruptive by Design approach, standing out as a company with high ideals and the actions to stand behind them. The Vision Award is conferred only on that Representative who best shares our passion for changing lives and changing the world.”

So it is an honour for Claudia and I to accept this award and to lead our teams around the world on this incredible journey of transformation.

Want to join us?

Send me a message (CLICK TO MESSAGE ME HERE) and let me know what you would like to accomplish. I’ll show you what you would need to do to get there. And maybe we will do something together… who knows?!


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