MLM Sales Funnel Recruits For Me. Hype or No Hype?

I am pretty much immuned to most of this BS…

“Build your downline for you”, “No recruiting”, “No phone calls”, “Nothing to do”

Or what about this one:

MLM Sales Funnel

Actually this one is on my own website!!!

Here’s what happened…

I basically created my own MLM Sales Funnel. I tested it and tweaked it until it converts to my desire and then I duplicated it to my team.

In this video, I show you, behind the scenes, my personal conversion stats from this website.

Test Drive

MLM Sales Funnel or Duplication Systems

Over the years I’ve seen people recruit online. Either they host a webinar and after the webinar people join their team. Or they create a mlm sales funnel that recruits for them.

Many of the big companies that grow very fast utilize some kind of a mlm sales funnel to present to prospects. This allows you to leverage your time through a simple MLM duplication system.

Think of:

  • The cassette tape “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”
  • The Napkin Presentation
  • And many others

At the core of these huge successes was a simple duplicatable mlm sales funnel that anyone could use.

If your prospect can see themselves doing it, they will.

So… can people join your team automatically?

Yes they can. To prove it to you, let me ask you a question:

Did you ever purchase something online without talking to someone?

But here’s the thing… if you truly want to have a lot of success, you should combine both. Use a system that recruits for you AND talk to your prospects.

One of the things I like to do when someone optin on my website is to give them a call.

It reinsures them that this is real. That there is a real person behind this thing.

You see… people do business with people they know, like and trust. If you want to increase your recruitment, call your prospects. Write them emails that look like a real person wrote them, connect with them on Facebook, post a video of yourself talking.

Anything you can do to show your prospects that there is someone behind this system who cares about them and their success will help reassure their decision.

Take a tour of my system and see for yourself the combination of all these ingredients. This is how I became one of the top recruiters in my company.

Stephane Page
Skype: stephpage
Team-Up With Stephane:

Stephane Page

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