If you haven’t been in sales before, the thought of asking for the sale and close prospects can be terrifying.
It doesn’t have to be.
Think about this for a moment…
It’s not a crime to give people the chance to get something they need and want.
But how do you overcome your own hesitation to close prospects?
This video explains a formula I found many years ago when I was trying to market my MLM company’s vitamins and minerals product.
At the time, my prospect would show interest but would not ask to buy. We would just end the conversation and something would be hanging in there. I didn’t like to close prospects.
Instead of focusing on the next step, asking for the order, focus on something that happens after the transaction is completed.
The customer wants the end result. They’ll say yes more easily to the benefits of your products when they know your focus is on helping them achieve those.
This formula applies for products sales as much as recruiting a new rep in your organisation.
Check out the video to learn how to use this formula:
As you can see, closing prospects is not hard when you focus on helping them get results.
Simply close prospects on using the products properly. Help them see themselves using the products successfully and make sure they are truly committed to use it the right way.
You want your prospect to know you are looking for their benefit. You’re not looking to close prospects to buy your products. You’re looking to get prospects to sell you they are really going to use the products properly.
I hope you understood this last phrase. Let me repeat:
You’re looking to get prospects to sell you they are really going to use the products properly.
Closing the sale is easy if you want them to commit they are going to use the products the right way. After all, isn’t it what you want?
Customers who love your product and recommend it to others?
When you end your conversation with a potential prospect like that, you’ll get their commitment. You’ll also earn their respect. And then, follow-up and make sure they use your product every day. Get them results and you will have a customer for life.
With much respect,
Stephane Page
Canada: 819-321-9385
USA: 310-601-8262
Skype: stephpage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephanepage2