How To Help Your Reps Get More Customers And Create Residual Income For Life
It’s a little past nine thirty when I walk into the room full of enthusiastic networkers coming from all over the world.
We are here to learn how to build a bigger bonus check.
The master distributor in our company is Tim Sales, a seven-figure network marketer. He is one of the few who live the American Dream. He built his business for 5 years and retired for the past 17 years living off his residual income.
The weekend event he and his wife Laura Sales put together centers on strategies to increase the size of our network marketing bonus checks. And to do that, the entire weekend will cover topics of finding ways to increase the amount of product moved by our organization.
After all, the more product moving through your team, the bigger your bonus checks, right?
Tim Sales discovered the hard way the importance of customers. His company was the attack of bad media press at the time. His income decreased from $65,000 a month to $16,000 a month. And it stopped there. Why?
The reason it stopped and didn’t go to zero is because that $16,000 income represented the commissions based on the volume created from customers.
He stayed with that company and kept working and rebuilt his income to $150,000 a month.
This time, he did it by training his team on getting customers.
Besides the long term residual income, what is it that motivates people to get customers?
Because if you can motivate your team to get more customers, you will increase your residual income bonus check.
Here are the three main reasons people get customers:
1. They love the products.
When people love the products, they naturally talk about them. They are compelled to offer the products to people they know would benefit.
2. They have volume requirements to meet
If their company requires them to maintain a certain amount of volume to earn commissions, they will find ways to move products.
3. They know how to market the products
When reps know how to market the products, they do it almost effortlessly. They have the skills and it becomes an automatic whenever the opportunity presents itself. And by doing that, they create an immediate income and build their long term residual income.
When you look at these three reasons, you know you have very little control over the fact that people like the products. They either do or don’t.
And if your company has volume requirements, you can’t do much about that.
But you have total control over training your team on how to market the products.
That’s exactly what we do.
I spent last weekend training on how to prospect to attract customers and how to communicate to help them see the value in the products.
Knee-to-knee drills on marketing the products
So, what will you do next with your team?
Will you teach them the compensation plan? Will you train them on how to navigate in their back office? Will you give them a motivational speech? Or will you teach them ways to market their products?
If you want to listen to the exclusive interview with me and Tim Sales as he shares his journey to build a 7-figure residual income, complete the form below…
Hello Stephane,
I have a question now. Exactly what did you and Tim Drill with the people on the photo on your website? Was it Pro inviter, Brilliant Communicator work book? I understand the value of the drills, I really want to know.
Thank you for your website and your contribution to the MLM industry.
Hey Carl, we were drilling on what to say about each product from the weight loss brand in our company. When you market a product, there’s a lot of info and people say all kinds of things that’s not necessary. We were provided with a script book and were rehearsing on each one of them. We did this the whole day. That was Saturday. On Sunday, we learned many ways to promote the products, like Expos, doctor’s offices, gyms, personal contacts, Facebook, etc. I was teaching Facebook paid and free methods. After this weekend, people couldn’t say they didn’t know where to find prospects or what to say to them 😉
I hope this is helpful my friend.
Perfect Thank you Stephane!