8 Customers With 1 Simple Text Message

Ever wondered how these people are able to get customers so easily?

It seems unfair doesn’t it?

Here’s why…

You hear about Sue who sent a text message to some friends and got 8 customers within an hour.​

Same with Kristine who got 7 customers on a new skin care product. She didn’t have time to call people. She texted them during her lunch break instead.

You try to do the same and you get nothing!

Then you hear about Normarie from Puerto Rico who posts on her wall her before and after pictures from a weight loss program and gets 7 customers at $400 each!


Take Normarie for example. There are 3 reasons she’s getting those results:

1) She has the right audience. What she posts is something her friends are interested in.

2) She is active on social media. She posts regularly and her audience engages with her posts.

3) Even when she posts something promotional, it looks natural. Your personal Facebook profile is social, not promotional. You will get better results by creating curiosity and sounding natural than by sounding promotional.

Here’s an example of a perfect post for Sue’s audience:

“I experienced a little transformation this weekend 😉

People have been asking me what my secret is…

If you are curious, private message me and I’ll be happy to reveal. I’m ready for the Holidays, Woohoo!!! What do you think?”

Sue Yelvington

A few months ago, I had a little coaching call with Normarie. She was about to post her weight loss results. We crafted the perfect post and that post generated 7 customers at $400 each.

I was tired of puching products to my family and friends. I discovered how to attract them instead. A few words can make a huge difference.

How to Hypnotize Your Prospects

Stop bugging friends & family

Do you want to get customers lined-up and ready to join you or buy from you?

This statement sounds like hype, doesn’t it?

Well… I’m currently among the top 10 recruiters in my company. And besides recruiting representatives, I thaught people on my team how to get customers. Arlene for example sold our weight loss products to more than 100 customers personally.

So wether that statement sounds hypie or not to you, I know a thing or two about recruiting.

And I do have people calling me to join my team or buy my products.

Now, understand me. I had to build my list to a certain size before I start to receive calls.

Here’s what happened…

As I was building my list, I became better at communicating with them. I learned what to say and how to say it to get them interested.

The more people I added and the better I got, then the more responses I received.

So here is my thought process when I communicate with prospects…

A few years ago my mentor taught me something. He said:

People go through certain phases and it’s always the same. They have to become aware of a subject before they can become educated in a subject before they can take responsibility for the subject. So, it always goes – awareness, education and then to responsibility.

The reason that someone cannot hear the information that you’re saying oftentimes is because you’re trying to educate them about something they don’t even know (not aware) they need.

Showing prospects before and after pictures or how one suffered from aging skin (watch the first video below) opens your prospect’s mind to the idea that they too should care about their skin if they want to look younger. You see, the biggest challenge is this – the prospects that you’re talking to, if they could look younger, they already would be.

That video or some before and after pictures give your prospects the ability to know that they can control how they age. Younger looking skin is not a mystery. This video explains how Woodsen found younger looking skin with a new natural, toxic free product.

It sets up your prospect to understand from the very beginning that if they choose to look considerably younger, they can do what Woodsen did.

At this point, you didn’t talk about all the wonderful ingredients. You didn’t compare your product to others. You didn’t talk about the manufacturing facility.

Up to this point, they were not ready to be pitched. Until they are aware of a problem and a solution, they are not interested in learning all the details of your wonderful product.

Now let’s say your prospects show interest and are ready to move into the education phase, you could provide information like the video below…

Always think of what should be the next step with your prospect based on which phase they are in.
It’ll make your job so much more easier than if you try to convince them to buy or even worst… ask them to do you a favor. Yuk!
If you apply this 3-step formula, the first few times you will feel like you hypnotized your prospects. You will feel so good about the process that you will want to repeat it over and over.
This is how I’m getting people to join my team or buy my products without twisting an arm.

If you liked this post, leave your comments below.

Stephane Page

P.S. I love automation and simplicity in prospecting. Here’s something I used to become a top recruiter -> Perfect MLM Funnel http://PerfectMLMFunnel.com

6 thoughts on “8 Customers With 1 Simple Text Message”

  1. Thanks for the morning tip!
    A simple & systematic way of reaching out & sharing Value:

  2. Hi Stephane! Thanks for this! I am not having a lot of luck with my “warm” market so am thinking I would not mind to venture into a little bit of online prospect hunting! My next step is to figure out how to set up my website and incorporate the capture pages. Thx, Bonnie

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