Monday morning, we’re in Las Vegas for our company’s regional convention and the founders of Ariix begin to explain what the new Ariix Founders Club represents.
People believe in the MLM lifestyle. When you reach the top, you’re often faced with tiranny from the owners. They try to keep you in the game working. They sometimes change the compensation plan or even terminate your account.
But Ariix created a Bill Of Rights to protect you, your business and your legacy.
This year, they demonstrated their total commitment to the field by creating the Founders Club. This is for their top leaders in each country to share the profits and participations in the decisions.
When the company launched, they asked Tim Sales if he would accept the Master Distributor position.
And now… Tim Sales Ariix Founders Club first member.
When a company is willing to make you a founder, it shows their devotion to the field.
I’m Proud For Tim Sales Ariix Founders Club New Title
When Tim looked at Ariix and what they were going to do… servicing their leaders, servicing their representatives, it hit home to him.
For many year, Tim has been known throughout the industry as the ambassador of MLM. He’s tried for years to change the industry to become more engaged in serving the field and leadership.
This is why he joined Ariix. The company was the perfect representation for what Tim desperately tried to do with companies over the years.
He immediately felt the obligation to assist this vision.
Tim Sales and his wife were living the good life. They didn’t need to get involved in building again but they caught the vision and had to do something about it.
I’ve worked with Tim for years. I’ve known him for over a decade now and whatever he does, he makes it work. I’ve never seen him fail.
That of course influenced me in my dedication to succeed and helping others. There’s no such thing as “trying” with Tim. You just make it work.
If you’d like to work directly with Tim and I. Reach me below…
Stephane Page
Skype: stephpage
Team-Up With Stephane:
Great to be part of a Team that knows the game and is passionate about how they play!
Contributing to the spirit and intent of ARIIX, it’s great to again witness Tim & Laura’s commitment to making this a great company. Thanks and congratulations Tim & Laura for being in the Founders Club!