Why You Have 97% Risk Of Failing If You Don't Go To Your Company MLM Seminar

When you attend a large mlm seminar, you can't help but feel that you are on your way to the top of the compensation plan. Mingling with top income earners and making friends is going to help you more than all the training you can get.

New techniques are used to build the business today mainly involving the internet. But one fact has remained constant: This business is still fundamentally built on belief– belief in the industry, the company , the products and more than anything else, belief in yourself and your ability to do it .

Events are designed specifically to instil in the prospect the confidence that their success is a foregone conclusion.

The regional or national convention is a place for people to see the big picture and also satisfy them sel ves that everyone who follows the system is successful. I can build more belief in one weekend at a major event than I can with six months of one-on-one meetings. It allows you the opportunity to let other leaders train for you .

You will get energized, focused and will learn t ons of strategies to accomplish more, faster. It's meetings like these that give all team members a real reason to go for the next leadership level… and some more, before the next event.

What's the point of all this?

I see a lot of people, myself included, move to the internet to build their business. And even though it's a great strategy, you will never be able to replace events for building momentum, retaining more people and creating a team culture.

In the 90's I went to Miami to visit with my friend Randy Gage. Driving around town in his Viper, eating out in fancy restaurants and playing softball on his team provided me the opportunity to discuss business and strategize.

If you don't know Randy, he's one of the legends in the industry. And one thing he does better than anyone else is creating powerful events.


Randy Gage & Stephane Page
(in my early 20's) in Miami

I remember one day as we were talking about the " new ways " of building and with innoscence told him that the internet would allow us to build from home without having to go to meetings. You should've seen the look on his face…

I knew then, there was something important he wanted to convey to me. He paused for a moment and said " Stephane… you don't have to do meetings…. But do meetings only for the people you want to keep. "

You see, attending events is one of the things that your new team member will shy away from. The idea of booking a trip half-way across the country in order to attend a company or team convention may be intimidating at first. Not to mention the financial commitment. But in the long run, NOTHING will get your new team members into massive action to build their business faster than “being there”.

I've seen this principle apply within my own company. There are over 2,000 people who fly-in each month to the company for what we call the Team Elite University. Last event there were about 300 people that recently got involved and several of them went from zero to 5K-10K and even 20K per month within 6 months. And they did it by building their business around events.

The majority of the new rising stars you hear on conference calls were at the last events.

Why is that?

We are social creatures. When you see 50, 100, 500 or even 2000 people coming together, working toward a common goal, and achieving their dream lifestyle, you begin to believe it can be done. This is what we call Social Proof Mentality.

You get to hear from those who are in the trenches. They are the ones achieving what you want to achieve. They've done it. Aren't they the ones you want to learn from anyway?

Anthony Robbins explained why some people do " something " inside their head that gets them to succeed. HINT: that " something " happens almost all the time at events…

First Name:

Article posted on my marketing site at Stephane-Page.com

9 thoughts on “Why You Have 97% Risk Of Failing If You Don't Go To Your Company MLM Seminar”

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