How To Use Pictures To Promote The MLM Lifestyle

How to inspire prospects to join you even if you’re not living the MLM Lifestyle yet.

About ten years ago I met Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter at an event in Ottawa. He’s a long time veteran in Network Marketing. I can’t say we’re good friends because we only meet each other once in a while but I still consider him a friend as we like to have dinner together when he’s in town and we try to keep in touch.

After his event that night in Ottawa, he told me I should do like his son-in-law Art and create my personal website. He said Art was doing quite well posting lifestyle pictures of all his trips around the world.

I didn’t quite understand why he was doing well doing that until several years later.

You see… People join the business because they have “hope” for a better life. But they stay in the business because they “believe” it’s going to work for them.

Your MLM Lifestyle pictures inspire people.

Going back to Tom’s advice of posting lifestyle pictures, I realized that those MLM Lifestyle pictures give hope to prospects. It gives them perspective that they can live a better life. They themselves don’t have all these MLM Lifestyle pictures but would love to stop hoping and start living.

And for those in the business, they see your progress. As years pass by, you have more and more of those pictures and people who have seen you build for a while, start to believe they can do it too, if they just follow what you’ve been doing.

Our business is unique. It promotes the MLM Lifestyle. A life of freedom you can’t get anywhere else. Promote that.

How to promote your MLM Lifestyle if you don’t have it yet?

You can’t sell the dream if you look like a nightmare!

True. But you don’t have to wait until you are already successful to post those pictures. Start small now and begin inspiring prospects and business partners. There’s an easy way to begin.

– Go to your company convention and take loads of pictures and videos.

– Meet with teammates in a nice environment. The beauty of the MLM Lifestyle is you don’t have to wait to be successful to live it. You can organize a team training or just a brainstorming session by the pool, at the spa, in a nice restaurant. And take pictures…

– Add a day to your convention to take the time to visit the local area and maybe add a little spice to your trip by doing a special activity with your team. This is a great opportunity to get to know your teammates on a personal level and create MLM Lifestyle memories together.

Make it fun to be in your business by promoting the MLM Lifestyle without hype.

One of the reasons people have this bad perception of MLM is all the hype going on around the business. You can promote the MLM Lifestyle without sounding like a lie.

1) Avoid inflated words. Things like “my wonderful upline” could easily be replaced by “This guy made millions while retired for 18 years. He taught me a few things about how to do it. Quite interesting what he shared with me that evening.”

Tim Sales and I amazed by the journey we shared together over the last 15 years tha we've known each.  Here we are on stage being recognized as Elite Winners in our company.
Tim Sales and I amazed by the journey we shared together over the last 15 years.
Here we are on stage being recognized as Elite Winners in our company.

2) Not every phrase deserves exclamation points. Alternative: We had a lot of fun on the Colorado River… Did you know it’s one of the 7 wonders of the world? Who can name all 7?

3) Luxurious cars, purses, houses are ok if used properly. Just don’t brag about those to make you look like a show off. You could say something like this about your downline’s new Ferrari: I can’t believe Mark was able to finally buy the car of his dreams. A few years ago he was driving his old Chevrolet Oldsmobile and couldn’t even believe he would be driving a Ferrari two years later. Powerful what small simple actions can lead to when applied daily. Congratulations Mark!

If you liked this post, share with your friends and MLM partners.

And post your best MLM Lifestyle moments in the comments below.

Ariix Leaders
Ariix Korea
Stephane Page
Skype: stephpage

If you want to learn the skills that helped me go from a nobody to earning that “Elite Winner” recognition in less than a year, I created a 4-part recruiting video series designed to show you how I became one of the top 10 recruiters in my company. Watch my 4-part prospecting tips video series now…

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