Why do I stop and start all the time?

consistencyAnswer to a team member who is doing great WHEN she is doing it. Her challenge is to be consistent…

Hey Stephane,

So I meet again the invisible brick wall i think is in front of me! Why?
I believe In the product and I’m taking the product!
I believe in the company
I believe I can be a massive networker, build and coach others to be big also.
and most of all I believe MLM is the only industry to get me to the future I desire.

SO WHY do I stop and start!? Know I need to get going with this and I know I need to touch my business everyday. Some way but what is missing!

I have just allocated time slots in my dairy every day to either make calls study watch videos skype whatever it may be! Every day between those times I must be doing THE BUSINESS!

Ok so, i start AGAIN!
I think maybe I don’t know enough about the actually company’s self I know more about the product..

MY ANSWER: This is a simple business but it’s not easy.

It’s simple things that will give you the future you want. Executing those simple things is not easy. Why?

Because life gets in the way.

It takes extreme discipline to do the little things.

When you operate a traditional business, you have so much invested that you don’t have a choice to make it work.

That’s why network marketers make so much.

Think about this… the easier it is, the less income you make because you can be replaced.

So… your answer is not in knowing more about the company or the products. The answer is the same answer as mine or Tim or anyone in Ariix: daily discipline to keep us going long enough to reach the point where it becomes a routine. Once it’s a routine (like working out at the gym), I no longer THINK about doing it. I just do it. And the “do it consistently” is what gives me the lifestyle.

That’s all! There’s your secret formula.

That’s the fight you gotta win. And when you win it, you’ll change your life, you will have become the person you are meant to be.

Stephane Page
Skype: stephpage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephanepage2
Team-Up With Stephane: http://TeamEliteAdventure.com

Stephane Page


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